Monday, April 23, 2012

Seven and Eight Months

Baby J has had a lot of milestones over the past couple of months! She finally started sitting on her own, she is talking more and more (though only says "mama" when she's upset....) and got her first tooth this past week! She got to wear her first homemade Easter dress (matching Little Miss C, made by Grandma). She was also sick on Easter with a fever of 104.5 and had her first febrile seizure that afternoon. (Big Man E had them too, don't worry, she is okay). She is forever putting little things in her mouth so we are working on big Brother and Sister to not leave their stuff everywhere. She also has been left at home without mommy a few times over the last couple of months, which can be really hard for me sometimes but it's also kind of a relief. She was SO attached to only me for so long, and it's nice now that she will let other people hold her and play with her. My new favorite thing that she does is play peekaboo! It's absolutely precious! And she loves when the silly stuffed animals my mom buys sing to her, they make her laugh like crazy.

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