I have a really bad habit. I find a pretty project. I buy all the stuff I need for it. I work on it for a few weeks. Then I get bored and I leave it in a bag or a box somewhere and never finish it, figuring it would be too stressful to pick it up again. I hate making New Year's resolutions (because I never keep them), but I really wanted to set a
reasonable goal for craftiness in 2013.
I currently have four projects on the needles I would like to finish up. At first my goal was to not buy any new supplies or try new patterns until all four are finished. Sadly, when picking up some buttons today at Joann some pretty sock yarn was
literally calling my name,saying "I'm 25% off! You
have to take me home!" and two skeins ended up in my cart. They will live in my purse to become a pair of socks as I shuttle kids to and from school and activities. The other projects are too big to be portable anyway.
I only pictures of two of the projects I want to finish, but this is only because my house looks like a tornado and I
lost the other two. I will find them though. Non-resolution #2 - clean my house. Ha.
The first project I need to finish is a sweater for Little Miss C. I recently met an amazing artist in town who published
three children's books with her husband. She so generously
traded me all three of her books for some greeting cards! I am so blessed! Each of the book has the
most adorable patterns in the back that I have ever seen for children. My favorite book is Pheobe's Sweater and I bought all the yarn and supplies back in October to make the sweet sweater for my sweet girl. Fast forward a few weeks with morning sickness, then add Christmas craziness on top of it and it didn't get done for her birthday or Christmas. Oh well. I am halfway done with the hood, then I just need to weave in the ends, block it, and sew on the buttons! I'm so excited, it's
The second project I want to finish is a blanket I started during our trip to Michigan. I needed something to keep my hands busy up there, so I bought some pretty yarn and found a cute pattern on Pinterest. It's going to be a blanket for my craft room. I like it just fine, it just gets a bit mundane doing the same things over and over again. I'm almost finished with my first set of skeins though, so I might as well keep going and see how far they take me.

The other two projects are going to stay hidden for awhile, even if I find them, but you might find some black and white sneak peeks as they come along. Other projects I would like to do this year are: a) getting at least 5 more of the Christmas stockings done that I make for my dad's side of the family, b) at least one full pair of socks for myself, (instead of the normal get-one-sock-done-then-get-bored-cycle I do. I have a lot of unmatched socks), and c)at least 2 more sweaters, one for Baby J and one for my niece. Plus, if baby #4 is a girl, I need to make her a sweater too, right? I probably won't get all of these projects done, but hey, it's nice to write down your goals, right?
Enjoy the rest of the start to your new year! Blessings!